Saturday, February 26, 2011

Twelve Thirty Four.

Around here, 12:34 is a big deal.

A Very Big Deal.

12:34 is the wishing time. Whenever 12:34 hits, either in the afternoon or early morning, everything and everyone stops to make a wish. The awesome part is, about a month into it, we all noticed that our wishes were turning into prayers. How wonderful that the things we wish for are the same things we ask our loving Father for and that we trust Him with our wishes.

When the clock reaches 12:33, we all anxiously start monitoring the clock. If we miss it and the clock reads 12:35, Emilie groans really loud and the rest of us laugh. (Don't worry Em, it comes every 12 hours without fail ;) ) We all know exactly which clocks are a little fast or a little slow so if one clock says we missed it we look at a different one.

Don't mess with 12:34


  1. LOVE the music. and i LOVE you.

  2. Hey hey, I need to make this wish at EVERY 12:34 that I possibly can, because I need a lot of help and luck for it to come true. :)
