Thursday, March 31, 2011

Nap Time

Nap Time is serious time. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, Emilie and I have class from 8-9:15 in the morning. And then, we nap.

On Sundays, we have church from 8:30-11:30. And then, we nap.

We're special. Naps are special. College is just super special. :)

Saturday, March 19, 2011

We Should Have Been Studying

There was a dance tonight. Danie was invited to go by the dashing fellow in the tie, and the other two fellows (Daniel and Stephen, our FHE brothers) were sent away from the dance because they lacked a tie. Valuable lesson learned: Semi-Formal means TIE. Kenzi looked beautiful in the dress that required extensive surgery at the last minute.

Amanda and I stayed home from the dance 1. because we didn't want to and 2. we needed to study. So naturally, we made pretty cupcakes instead.

And Amanda helped with the leftover frosting.

Productive night? I think YES

Friday, March 18, 2011

Flesh Eating Piranhas

We wanted ice cream.

And then we put a weird setting on the camera.

And it was good.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Relief Society

On our way, and at our Relief Society activity!

Walkin over..

eating the candy on the table :)

Beautiful Bethany

It was pouring like holy bananas outside after the activity!  Her whole jacket was SOAKING

On our way to the activity, it started raining!  So that is just looking at each other and deciding to book it inside.

Before it started

Monday, March 14, 2011


It sure seems like forever since we've posted something legit!  But tonight we had FHE, so that's something to talk about for sure!  We had a picnic with our brothers!!!!  Woot, it was the bomb.  Bethany made soup, noodles, and garlic bread, Em Hales made cheesecake and marble brownies, and some of the boys brought ice cream and all the stuff that goes on top to make a sundae. :)  It was fab.  We are gonna be a fat family... :)  Not really, but we're gettin there with all the yummy food everybody can make!!

Our beautiful, amazing family :)

cute girls!!

singing happy birthday and me just standing there not knowing what to do with myself!



Thursday, March 10, 2011

Brownie Time Baby!!

Bethany and I decided after a long day of classes, and after cleaning up a messy kitchen (Bethany cleaned it, not me...) but uh, we decided that since she cleaned it, we had the right to be the ones to make it messy again!  So the brownie mix came out, we threw in the egg, oil, and water, took some pictures of adorable Bethie, and put it in the oven!  We took more pics since it's been awhile since we have, and since we've posted some, so that's what the smiley cute ones are for, and then Bethie is jealous of my sick jump skills, so she attempted it, but I couldn't ever catch her in the air!  So that was unsuccessful, and I even tried to do my signature jump and couldn't do it.  But it's okay!  We'll get both of us doing it soon. :)

Her attempt at my jump :)

Second attempt..

Kinda ish jump, but no, not really

Friday, March 4, 2011


This has been the week of anatomy blessedness.

Here at lovely BYU, PdBio 220 (which is a prerequisite for nursing and dietetics and speech pathology and pretty much everything) is a HARD CORE CLASS. It takes guts (literally). There is a lecture section and a lab section. Lecture meets twice a week, lab meets once a week. Every two weeks there is a 25 point quiz which covers five lectures. In between the lecture quizzes there are lecture midterms. EVERY week there is a quiz in the lab on the material covered in the past week's lab, worth 1o points. There is also a lab midterm, lab final, and lecture final. SO. I always ALWAYS have studying to do for anatomy, but I love it.

On Monday, I got 10/10 on my lab quiz. That hasn't happened since the first week. Usually I'm lucky to get an 8. THEN I took my lecture quiz today and got 96%. BEST WEEK EVER.


Basketball Camping

It's Thursday night slash Friday morning and I'm camping out for the last basketball game of the season which is this Saturday!!!!! My FHE brothers Daniel, Tanner and I (Danie) had a party in this here tent a little earlier. We told stories and played with the camera and laughed a whole bunch. It's a little chili brrrrrr (I can see my breath!) and a little lonely now that everyone is gone, but we've got big plans for tomorrow night!!! For now it's homework time....fuuuun....

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Um...this is college, right? much water do I put in the pancake mix that was delivered to our door?