Sunday, February 27, 2011

yeah bayBIE!

Since the beginning of time (or Fall Semester, 2010), the six of us (Emily, Danie, Amanda, Kenzi, Emilie, and I) have wanted to go on a colossal group date. So, yonder in October, we planned it, and one by one each of our dates bailed on us.


The night began at our apartment where we ate pizza. (Scott, Emily's date, ate 9 slices.) We then ambulated to the WILK where we were told we couldn't go bowling until after 8. Soooo we then went to the HFAC to play Sardines. Matthew and I were it first. By a stroke of his genius, we found a small hole in the ground under a stage. (I seriously thought we might run into the Phantom at some point, that's how creepy this place was.) Emilie and Brennan found us first, followed by Kenzi and Deson. While waiting for the other teams to find us, we indulged in each other's natural laughs. (Deson won the prize for most hilarious natural laugh.) After accepting the fact that no one else was going to find us, we emerged.
At 8, we went back to the bowling alley and practiced the art of Skittles Bowling. Each color of skittle represented a style of bowling (granny style, backwards, eyes closed, on one foot, dizzy, and my favorite: your date gives verbal instructions on how you should bowl while your eyes are closed.)
After bowling, we went back to the apartment for sundaes and then watched youtube videos that had us all laughing.

Conclusion? SUCCESS.

Kenzi & Deson, Danie & Carl, Bethany & Matthew, Emilie & Brennan, Emily & Scott, Amanda & Paul

1 comment:

  1. I'm thinking Randy and I will be going Skittle bowling sometime here soon. I've never heard of that before and it sounds like so much fun!
